The most common form of hair loss in men is genetic hair loss.
Referred to as male pattern baldness, men who inherit the hair loss gene
(a sensitivity to DHT) will often lose hair on top and keep it in the back.
Men sensitive to DHT experience hair loss at a younger age and it typically begins at the hairline.
As men continue to mature their hairline recedes into male pattern baldness.
Restore hairline with a natural look and get instant and total coverage
Restore confidence with re-creating any hair style prior to hair loss
Custom made per individual. Match any color, density and texture
Creates a life-like head of hair that you touch and style as normal
Allows for active lifestyle. Client does not have to change daily activity or exercise etc.
Painless, no surgery, no down-time, no medication.
100% appearance, money back guarantee
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Dyniecia Barnes Consulting & Professional Services