Healthy Hair Diet

Your body is far smarter than most people think.  Your body knows that your hair is not that important to you, health wise, but emotionally is a different story. So when the body falls short on nutrition, protein, vitamins and minerals, the hair is the last to get it their benefits.

Think of it this way, your body knows that to live you need your heart and brain more than you need your hair, which is why diet, stress, disease and other factor play such important factors to people’s hair loss. Your hair needs a balanced, nutritious diet to stay healthy. A balanced plan consists of fruits and vegetables for antioxidants, whole grains for minerals, nuts and seeds for minerals and vitamins, and lean protein for iron. Your hair is made of protein so lean protein is very important. You also need lots of water to hydrate your body and keep your hair healthy and shiny. Fruits, vegetables and grains provide the fiber that is also very good for your body and hair. Soy products that contain phytoestrogens, which are estrogens from plants, are good as well. Reducing fat can also help because fat is broken down in the body to many pieces, one of which is Testosterone.  Testosterone often found in Male Hormones, but can also be found in women as well.  Testosterone breaks down to DHT, which is the major cause of hair loss for both men and women.  That being said, the more fatty foods you eat the more likely the chance of having more DHT to bind to the androgen receptors at the end of your hair follicle, which is where your hair grows from.  DHT binding to the androgen receptors causes your hair to shrink and fall out.  Smoking and alcohol also play a major factor, which can affect your hair, so the less you do the better. 

So, eat the best you can, and supplement your diet with a daily Multi-vitamin and hair support product like HLCC Scripts Complete, to help stop hair loss and control the amount of dht, which ultimately causes hair loss.